
Social Skills Groups

ABA is the underlying component for all social groups. Each student that enters social group has specific goals that are addressed. Our groups are based on researched based curriculum. Currently used curriculums include: Zones of Regulation, Think Social, and PEERs. During groups students are directly taught skills through verbal and visual prompts. For example, with the PEERs curriculum, the student is taught how to make a phone call through discrete steps. Following the teaching of a skill, they practice with peers and group leaders provide reinforcement and feedback. Skills are then practiced at home to assist in generalization.

Data is collected during all groups to track the student's new skill acquisition. If skills are not improving then teaching is modified to change prompt levels or reinforcement. Most of the students attending social group also have home programs in conjunction. The social group provides an opportunity for generalization.

For more information, please contact…

Diana Richardson, PsyD, LEP
Director of Group ABA & Diagnostics
(888) 531-8385 x701